Friday 1 May 2015

OUGD406 evaluation

1. I didn't enjoy screen printing as much this time 
My work came out horribly wrong and had to re do it 
2. Secret 7 was the greatest and funnest part of this brief even though my work didn't get chosen 
3.I have another chance to participate on secret 7 next year, something I'm looking forward for.
4.This brief has given  me the opportunity to continue my learning within the Adobe program.
5.This brief has also given me and my year group the opportunity to display our work in public in the leeds library.
6. Re-designed a book cover (felt really professional and was a new experience).
7.We were able to see ourselves working among other designers not only for a submission (Brief) but also for some past students who needed help with their new company.
8. Personally the main problem I have had has been managing my time (PPP, COP, Studio Brief OUGD406 and Design Principles).
9. My personal mistake was taking my work with me back to Spain and forgetting some essential documents that i won't be able to submit.

OUGD406 working pages