Wednesday 3 December 2014

Group 10 - Study task 1 - OUGD 405

Group 10 - Fosters
Australian Brand.
Owned by the south African group SABmiller.
European rights to the brand are owned by Heineken.
Second highest selling beer after Carling.
Created by two Irish American Brothers - William M and Ralph R Foster.
Made available to the public from 1889.
steal cans were introduced in 1958.
2006 April - 309$ million. agreed to acquire the brand in EU.
August 2006- bought the brand in India for 120 $.
Fosters twist- beer with a hint of citrus (Marketed as a refreshing).
Fosters super chilled - Surved at a colder temperature
"Australian for beer"
"The Amber Nector"
"Fosters - get some Australian in you".

We researched on Fosters history, branding, marketing and compared it with different brands.
we then moved to creating a mind map with our different ideas and interpretations.

We first believed that the idea of 'chilling at the beach' wasn't working due to being more of an advert idea than our main concept.
we also tried representing the idea of friendship, by designing the F and the letter T in to hands shaking, hi 5, or even toasting with the foster beer.
Once again it was far from our concept idea.
We then moved to experimenting with the Australian map and the rearrangement of the letter 'F'. (Given that Australia is up side down to us).
Our message wasn't as clear when trying to play around with the negative spacing.
Our final and last design was keeping the main colors that the fosters brand are using but changing the 'O' letter, by giving the impression of someone drinking some refreshing beer from the letter.

                                                         Adds online:



final idea:

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