Thursday 26 March 2015

OUGD406- Hungry Sandwich Club Task

Today we were given a concise but yet very interesting presentation from 2 LCA graduates who own the Hungry Sandwich Club. I was very impressed by the quality of their work, the amount of hours and effort given in to their new business. The way they would speak about how it all happened, the negative comments people would make or joke around about them and there initial ideas and their goals and process today were very inspiring.

We were given a brief to help these 2 graduates with their business, we were told they were working on a event that consist of people moving around Leeds on their bikes and stopping at Bars/Restaurants/Parks… Our contribution was to produce a map for this event.

For this cycle track map we wanted to represent the style that we believed the presentation had given us about this business, I printed out some pictures that my group thought represented each stop on the map by the description we had obtained and then proceeded to create our own small illustrations. I was quite happy with the amount of work and time I had given in this task, my group used all of my illustrations and Emma and I designed how the map would look. We were in the groups that we were in for studio brief 2 which made it easier to work with each other; Vedika, Taimie and Billy worked on scanning the illustrations and adding colour and making them stronger on Photoshop.
I was happy with my group even thought it was hard to work with some of the members in it at times, it was nice to get to know each other (their styles, their knowledge and their personalities). We tried different ways of sharing our ideas and we were happy with our final outcome, even thought it wasn’t the chosen one for this event.

Friday 6 March 2015

OUGD 406 - Studio brief 03- collaborative practice

Central library

Municipal Buildings
Calverley Street
LS1 3AB.

Opening times 
Monday          9am to 7pm
Tuesday         9am to 7pm
Wednesday    9am to 7pm
Thursday        9am to 6pm
Friday            9am to 5pm
Saturday        10am to 5pm
Sunday          11am to 3pm

                                                     Leeds Central Library Research:
                               Facebook page:

Twitter pages:


Group Plan for the week:
We made a spider diagrams that went over social media, such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. 
We also had the idea of creating a website for the event.
We decided we would digital print our work.
Vedika had the idea of using shapes for our logo to represent book covers, we all liked the idea and then Emma thought of using the Leeds College of Arts logo shape to represent us, our work and to show how we are students from LCA.
We had some other ideas, such as; recycling or even using miniature books for name tags.
We struggled to come across a concept to use for our exhibition.
After a few ideas and trying to think outside the box we were capable of deciding on our concept.
Our concept was decided to be focus on the idea of 'pages' by incorporate the fact that our brief is about book cover designs and we wanted to show that books have multiple amount of pages.

Visiting the library for ideas:


Group Work:

When having to make the broacher, I must say that I struggled to come up with ideas to use on each page. I planned and showed my group what I had on mind and also asked for some feedback and ideas.The first page (Cover page for the broacher) would have the logo, The title of the event, the dates and opening times and the address of the library.
I thought about designing a comical, small cartoon to add to the first page, representing a librarian. 
 This cartoon was created when Vedika and I decided to add some extra work hours after uni.
At first the cartoon was in black and white, then we decided to add some color to it and then experiment a little on Adobe Photoshop to reach our final outcome. It looks simple with the grey tone as the background and having different colors as the outline of the librarian and the books.
On the second page (This would be the Back cover when folded) having the name of the library, the address and the opening times for the library.
On the third page (the first page when opening the broacher) I decided to guide who ever is coming to the library not only to the exhibition, to know what galleries/rooms there are on each floor.
On the 4th page (being the opposite page to the cover page) I decided to introduce the exhibition, who is taking part in it (first and second year graphic designers), introducing 'The cover', and having some examples of what will be on display.
On the 5th page all social network links and hashtags.
On the 6th and last page some images of the library and its beautiful architecture.

Vedika produced a banner with the essential information to be displayed around.

This is a map of leeds to show how to get to the Leeds Central Library.
We will have to decide where to situate/ display it to the audience.
Not everyone knows how to get to the library so it would be helpful if we had a map to display on the broacher and on our social networks.

Typeface used: Helvetica neue light

We researched different exhibition brands across different places:

Exhibition branding research
When Planning we researched into different branding.
We came across many different examples; The use of Patters was one of the ideas that we came across and which we liked because we could relate to some of the re-designed book covers some of us had done.
The placing/ Layout of a few examples we found were very interesting and different something we could use for our own work to make it eye catching, ‘New’ and stylish.