Monday 13 April 2015

OUGD406- Studio Brief 3- Final Crit/ Presentation

After our presentation our group received some confusing and unexpected feedback. When we first presented our work was weak, simple and boring. After the feedback we obtained the first time we presented ‘The Cover’ we followed every small comment we had been given to produce an outstanding and eye catching campaign for the exhibition.
When presenting to our tutor and to a few of the level 5 students we were given some positive feedback but not as much as we had expected or had in mind.

*We were told the shape of the logo was used too much throughout our work
*The typefaces used weren’t as eye catching
*The colours were too bright 
*That our presentation was too simple.
*The shape we had used would have been hard to produce and very time consuming.
They were pleased with the amount of effort and work covering each area but yet again there were some things that we could still work on. Another comment given was that the colleges logo might not have been accepted by the college it self as it was way too similar to LCA logo.

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