Thursday 24 March 2016

503- Wrap - YCN

This campaign is called Creative Minds ya, the students in LCA (Leeds Collage Of Arts) are all creative thinking people, so the campaign was named ‘Creative Minds’ to relate to the target demographic. This campaign will be placed around the university to raise awareness and open the minds of the students, to the thought of recycling. This logo is a view of earth from outer space, with the idea of flora engulfing the earth acting as a protective layer and a small well known recycling icon with the three arrows. This 4 set of posters will be placed around the university for students to see different types of creative ideas for recycling plastic bottles. The poster portrays the message of reusing plastic bottles and given that this university is for art students, the campaign is creative and they will learn to produce materials that they would be able to be reused during daily activities. The colour combination for this project was chosen very specifically, the colour palette that would be eye catching, yet portray the message of eco-friendliness, so this primary colours used throughout the poster are green and blue, this was chosen as people mainly relate the colours to the earth. Three different examples of the creative uses of plastic bottles are shown on three separate posters that will be places around the university. The posters promote  friendly simple beneficial  ways to reuse plastic bottles, the messages were used to be motivational rather than, making the audience feel blamed for ruing the environment. The use of multiple different forms of social media was used to promote the campaign, such as Facebook and Twitter, using the hashtag ‘creativemindsya’. The feedback obtained from the focus group was that the posters were bright and full of energy, they caught the eye of the audience with ease, and portrayed a positive message in a very simple manner that is easy to understand. Promotional items were created, when considering materials for events. The logo seemed direct and effective at portraying the message in any part of the world, it is effective because it works in colour or black and white and works in any size. The logo could be placed on any product and be used be either gender. This campaign is inspiring and motivates university students to recycle. This project is timeless, the message that is so important now will have just as much importance 20-30 years ahead, the earth is precious and we will always have to take care of it, the most important part of this campaign is that no matter where you are, who you are or how old you are the project can still be fun and is extremely important.

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