Thursday 7 April 2016

505 - money Granada
The concept behind my design, is for a more cultural future for Spain.
Granada is based in Andalucía and it is known for its ruins and architecture.
An illustration of a mosque is placed in the bottom corner on the left on top of '50 euros'.
Based on some of the arabic geometrical patterns in the architecture left behind from when Andalucía was known as Al-andalus, I made my own pattern to represent this historical event in Spain. Red, Blue and yellow are the colours mostly used in every mosaic tile.

Basing my knowledge on this historical event, from a project in IB Arts HL, i could use research and knowledge i had from then.
The colours used for my 'note' are dark blue, light blue, red, white and yellow. The typeface is ***** and the sizes change depending on its placing on the note. Granada and the mosque are kept in red and so is the serial number. The digits, the European union flag and the word 'Andalucía' are in dark blue. This colour alternation between the red and blue on the page makes it clear and effective.

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