Thursday 14 April 2016

Self Evaluation 503

Enjoyed: secret 7, how to be a woman and wrap poster campaign. struggled with Reggae poster and Orchard Notorious P.I.G (Collaborative). Why? I was happy with my final products for the penguin book award. I worked hard on wrap and accomplished a satisfactory final outcome. Secret 7 was chosen to prove myself I had improved as a designer since level 4. My aims and targets were accomplished in secret 7 proving myself I have learnt and grown as a designer and I'm capable of producing professional final outcomes. I did not enjoy as much Orchard P.I.G 1. Because it wasn't a brief chosen by all members of the team. 2. working as a group did not go as expected. 3. Different styles hard to connect/link together. 4. Not everyones work could be used. 5. Our Illustration member of the team was very unfair, did not share any work or tried speaking or organising a group session, would not provide any feedback or be involved in any decision making (Facebook chat/Messenger. Reggae poster competition: The format of my design was wrong. Changed it/redesigned it. Still not happy with the ending product as a portrait.

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