Monday 19 January 2015

OUGD 405 Evaluation

What went wrong?
*Started the brief wrong when looking at actual frames and not the smaller images that go inside them.
*I believe my designs are different because they are done by hand and not on any sort of Adobe illustrator or Photoshop. This has its positives and negatives points.
*Having to decide on a main idea to base studio brief 2 was hard.
*I believe I wasted a lot of my time by taking so long on deciding what I was going to base my research on.
*Deciding how to show my research was also another problem; I did not know how to show the idea of love in the 20 pictures research.
*Another problem I had was when designing my collages, I had many problems due to the difference in colour of the actual images I was using and the backgrounds I was trying to combine them too.
The size of these were also a problem because on some of the combinations I was left with negative corners or blank spaces where the background had not covered the image due to its size.
*I did not present my PowerPoint during our periods of crit in class, but I did present it to some of my classmates to gain feedback. I would have gained more feedback if I had presented it during class. I have to be more sure about my work and confident when showing my work.
*During studio Brief 3 I had the same problems as the last module brief, I did not know how to use InDesign, I took my first lessons taking notes of every step to take (which wasted my time in a way given that everyone else was using this time to start their book layout, when I had done this by hand).
*I do not have the program myself on my Mac, which was a problem because I was not capable to finish my book on time to give it in next to all my other work. (The deadline is still for Wednesday, which gives me some more time to go over my work and improve a few things before handing it in).
*I wasn’t sure about the message I was trying to send with my final products, but after some meditation I came across a few issues that helped when answering them finding the purpose of my work.
*Another issue I had was that I was not capable of finding 20 opinions to show, some of the answers I received where inappropriate and negative so I rather not show or have on my blog, research or any work.
*I’ve left my blog for one of the last things which I know to never do again.
I have to learn how to work and blog! Because if not I forget main things I have done or forget to mention important facts/details that could be helpful when being assessed.

What went well?
*On studio brief 1, what I most liked is that I kept loyal to my self and did my designs by hand instead than doing it on InDesign or Photoshop like everyone else did.
*On studio brief 2, what I most liked about my work was my dedication to try making my idea original, personal and maintain the idea of love throughout my work and research.
*I researched a lot and always tried to find more than 20 examples to each section to have a wider range of opinions/facts/statistics…
*When creating the collages, I tried using pictures that meant something to me, of people I love and combine them with some of my own background pictures from trips I’ve done in the past.
*I like how I’ve been able to keep this brief personal, which has made me want to create and show the best outcomes possible.
*It was my first time using InDesign, which is good because I learn something new with every module.
*Studio brief 4 would be my favourite part of this module because of the time and dedication I’ve put in to my designs and combinations, how just by using my family and friends on this project has made them happy because they’ve felt I still think about them and how I miss them. I will like to send my final products to those who are in the pictures. This will show me how my product works and how it makes people feel.

*I like my work because I believe that no one has done a similar thing and that my message is good and clear with a good intention.

What did I do best?
Learning new things
Worked hard and learnt from mistakes
Produced a decent outcome
Followed feedback to improve
Considered peoples opinions
Sent a clear message

What did I do wrong?
Not blog enough or left it for the last minute
My work can always be better
I need to get myself the adobe programs on to my own personal use computer to learn how to use them and make improvements outside class.

How could I improve?

Developing my knowledge, not missing any class days, blogging more and being more confident about my work.

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