Sunday 18 January 2015

Studio brief 4 OUGD405

You are required to include design development, solutions and contextualisation.
Photographic documentation of the product, interaction or event will need to be included.

The making of the product:
First I had to decide what pictures I could use to represent and show what was my main idea, ‘love’.
Going over my documents and social media I came across many pictures that I believed to show this idea of love but not only between lovers but also the love and affection of friends and family members.
I then moved to asking permission to those who were in the pictures, to use them in this brief.

These are a few of the combinations I made, next to the real picture and the background I added to create them
Once they are printed I will then decide which ones I will like to have as an actual product and which ones I will keep as examples of my work.
The feedback I got when showing these combinations at class and from friends and family were that they were nice, pretty, made the original picture change completely (an example of this are the black and whites pictures) and that they would love to receive a product like this one, made specially for them on a special occasion or day.

The aim of this brief is to identify a problem from our individual research and provide an answer to it within the creation of a final product.
I began to resolve these problems by answering the following questions:
Who needs to know?
What and why do they need to know?
How will I tell them?
What is it I’M trying to do – Explain/Inform/instruct or Educate?
What will the respond be?
Where will they look?
How will I know its working?
What will it be – Collection of/ presentation of or instructions to?
What will be the use of tone of voice?

I then moved to researching and identifying the problems people have when it comes to love.
A few example of this, are;

What is love today?
People around the world deem love as essential to being happy and look for it in many different places and ways. Television and movies tell us what “real love” should look like but somehow something has been lost in the definition.”

What are the different ways to show and feel love?
When researching I came across an interesting fact; in Greek, there’s different words used to describe different types of love.

“PHILEO” is used to describe friendship that is strengthened by shared experiences

“EROS” describes sensual love that is stimulated by our senses

“AGAPE” describes the pure love that is unconditionally expressed as an act of the will

Do we change our definition of love depending on what we believe?

Looking at a fragment of the bible, God gives us a clear description of what love really is;
“Love never gives up. Love cares for others more than for self. Love doesn’t want what it doesn’t have. Love doesn’t strut, doesn’t have a swelled head, doesn’t force itself on others, it isn’t always “me first,” doesn’t fly off the handle, doesn’t keep score of the sins of others, doesn’t revel when others grovel, takes pleasure in the flowering of truth, puts up with anything, trusts God always, always looks for the best, never looks back, but keeps going to the end. Love never dies” (1 Corinthians 13, The Message).

Have we forgotten how to show our love and affection to those we love?

I believe times have changed, if we were to look back 100 years from now and how people expressed their love, we can see a clear difference if we were to compare them and us today.
Love letters, songs, flowers, poems, romantic walks, and dances…
Do we see this today?
I don’t believe so…
The majority of couples today express their love through phones, liking someone’s picture over instagram or Facebook, sending private messages, a long talk over Whatsapp or sending nudes to someone over Snapchat.
What is there romantic about all of these examples?
I believe we’ve forgotten how to treat our lovers, families and friends with affection and making them feel special.

The goal I have by the creation of my cards is to make my target audience use 20 minutes maximum of their time to produce a card to a special someone in their lives. It doesn’t need to be a boyfriend or a girlfriend, I’m sure their mums would love to have a small detail from their sons or daughters every now and then, or even their grandparents or friends that have moved away and that they miss.
I would like to educate teenagers today to respect themselves and to think before doing anything stupid; to give them the opportunity to be creative and unique by creating a personal card to someone, instead of what is happening today around the world. Young girls and boys believe that they will get the attention of that person they like by taking nudes or recording themselves.
I believe kids today are growing to the wrong idea of love, and I would like to change this.

This is the format I will be printing and sticking to the back of every of my combinations.
I will have a small box to stick the stamp depending to where the person is sending it around the world.
A few lines to insert the address and then an empty space at the left of the paper; to add the text.

I could help my target audience by explaining how to create the collage, print it and then use the right format to write their messages at the back.

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