Monday 12 January 2015

Studio Brief 2 - -OUGD405

100 ways to say 'I love you' around the worl

20 facts:

1.Monogamous Relationships Exist Throughout The Animal Kingdom

2.It only takes up to 4 minutes to decide whether you like someone or not

3.When Two Lovers Gaze At Each Others’ Eyes, Their Heart Rates Synchronize

4.Falling In Love Has Neurological Effects Similar To Those Of Cocaine

5.Cuddling Releases Natural Painkillers

6.Even Looking At A Picture Of A Loved One Relieves The Pain

7.People At The Same Level Of Attractiveness Are More Likely To End Up Together

8.Couples Who Are Too Similar To Each Other Are not Likely To Last

9.Heartbreak Is Not Just A Metaphor

10.Romantic Love Eventually Ends…Only To Be Followed By Committed Love

11.People Who Are In Love Have Chemical Similarities With People With OCD

12.Thinking Of Love And Sex Influences Creativity And Concrete Thinking, Respectively

13.Attachment + Caring + Intimacy = Perfect Love

14.An Attractive Face Is Preferred Over An Attractive Body For Long-Term Relationships

15.Holding A Loved One’s Hand Relieves Pain And Stress

16.Expressing Gratitude Towards People You Love Causes An Immediate Spike In Your Happiness

17.Butterflies In The Stomach Are Real And They’re Actually Caused by Adrenaline

18.Dilated Pupils Show Your Attraction To Someone And Makes You More Attractive

19.Looking Into Each Others’ Eyes Can Make Strangers Fall In Love

20.Birth control may impact a woman's taste in men: Research shows that when women take hormonal contraceptives, they show less of an attraction toward men with high testosterone levels and masculine physical characteristics. And one 2012 Scottish study found that women who met their partner while on the pill were less sexually attracted to their mates and less sexually satisfied during their relationship. At the same time, however, they tended to be more satisfied with their partner's financial status, and less likely to separate, than women who weren't on the Pill.

Other: *Love can make us obsessed, literally: There's a reason you can't stop thinking about that special new guy or girl in your life: MRI scans have shown that falling in love sends blood rushing to the "pleasure center" areas of the brain—the same areas that are responsible for obsessive-compulsive behaviors. Falling in love also lowers serotonin levels, which is common in people with obsessive-compulsive disorders, says Mary Lynn, DO, co-director of the Loyola Sexual Wellness Clinic at Loyola University in Chicago. "This may explain why we concentrate on little other than our partner during the early stages of a relationship," she says, and also why we tend to idealize new partners and turn a blind eye to their faults.

*Love is good for your bones :Marriage appears to strengthen men's skeletons, according to a University of California Los Angeles study, especially if they wait until after age 25 to tie the knot
*You already know if your relationship is doomed:Is he or she really "the one"? According to a 2013 study published in Science, deep down you probably know the answer. Researchers asked newlyweds—all of whom reported high levels of relationship satisfaction at the time—to look at images of their spouses paired with either negative or positive words, and rated their response times in distinguishing between them.

*Sex might cause a "rash":Don't panic if you get red during sex: It's probably your body's natural response to increased blood flow and skin temperature, says Garcia. This so-called "sex flush" may appear on your cheeks, chest, genital area, or across your entire body.

*Yes, sex burns calories:Getting busy between the sheets for an hour can blast as many calories as 30 minutes of jogging, according to a 2013 study from the University of Quebec. To crunch the numbers, researchers asked 21 couples, ages 18 to 35, to wear calorie-tracking armbands while they ran on a treadmill while they had sex once a week for a month. They found that men burned an average of 4.2 calories a minute during sex, while women burned about 3.1. Overall, men and women burned about 101 and 69 calories per session, respectively.

*Old people do it, too:Sexual interest and sexual function do both decline with age—especially as adults begin to take more medications—but that doesn't mean that senior citizens aren't still getting it on. "Many people do continue to have sex into their old age, often until death," Garcia says. And they're not always careful: "Besides teenagers and young adults, the elderly is the biggest population for sexually-transmitted disease spikes," he adds. "They're not worried about getting pregnant, so they're not using condoms."

20 words:

1. Serbian – Volim te

2.Russian – Ya tebya liubliu

3.Portuguese – Eu te amo

4.Moroccan – Ana moajaba bik

5.Lithuanian – Tave myliu

6.Japanese – Aishiteru

7.Italian – Ti amo

8.Indonesian – Saya cinta padamu

9.Hawaiian – Aloha Au Ia`oe

10.Greek – S’agapo

11.German – Ich liebe Dich

12.French – Je t’aime, Je t’adore

13.Estonian – Ma armastan sind

14.English – I love you 

15.Danish – Jeg Elsker Dig

16.Dutch – Ik hou van jou

17.Chinese (Mandarin) – Wo ai ni

18.Catalan – T’estimo

19.Albanian – Te dua

20. Spanish - Te amo/ Te quiero

20 pictures:I decided to use a selection of my own pictures to represent the idea of love.I will make a combination of pictures with people and of views/places to produce valentines cards.I believe love is not only the relationship between a man and a woman.Theres other types of love, friendship, 

20 opinions:

1. Paayal Makdani: Love to me is a balance of good and bad. It is a feeling that overcomes obstacles between two or more people. It can be shared and received in many different ways; family love, friendship love, and even love from a stranger when they say please and thank you.

2. Bryony Charleson: Trust, kindness, honesty, comfort….

3. Nick Artiles: the less interest you have in someone, the more interest that someone will have in them

4. Chloe valbuena: Love is when you can't go without even thinking about someone. When you find part of yourself in someone else, part of you that you're missing. It's when someone else's happiness is more important than your own and you'll do anything for them; to make them happy, to lessen their upset and pain. It's accepting even their worst attributes

5. Dougal Ferguson: Love is a deep emotional and spiritual connection that breaks social boundaries, it surpasses both gender and race. It is emotions that make us human

6.Walfiy Tahir: Love is how two things connected. It can be either to another person or other things such as music, hobby, clothings and much more and its beautiful as you are the only one who understand how do you love things around you, other poeple won't understand it.

7. Danii toni: love is what completes us. we need love to fulfil us. and love is eternal

8. Estefania Domenech: The idea of love is a feeling of joy for another person you cant control love, not for looks but for what is inside! The love it isnt just for couples it also refers to kids, ternagers, adults and elderly

9. James Ng J K: I think love is the most powerful thing in the world. love transcends all

10. Migle Rusteikaite: see I have never been in love so I am not entirely sure on how it feels and what goes on in your heart and your head, I believe that true love arrises only when the bioenergetic fields or the aura fit each other, which means the two people are on a similar level of consciousness. so it doesn't matter if the people share similar interests or whatsoever, I think true love doesn't depend on the identification we and the society have given to us but it depends on the spirit of a person, if the spirits match, nothing else really matters anymore

11. Laura Taylor: Love is unexplainable but being in love is amazing

12. David Mazurkevich: in my opinion i think that love is when any sex have a very close relationship and that there is a feeling of affection well strong feeling of affection.

13. Evie Alexanra: Urm, I guess I see it as a journey. It almost like gambling because you either win or loose. ..other words I'd use to describe it would be warm, safe, kind, but I guess it can be difficult, mean and unforgiving sometimes.

20 Statistics:

1. One study found that 73% of Russian women believe they are in love, meanwhile only 61% of Russian men feel the same way. In Japan, 63% of women feel they’re in that same elated state, and only a stifling 41% of men feel the same way. A sad gap! 

2.Even though almost everyone knows the divorce rates (around 50% of all marriages ending in divorce), only 12% of that 50% ever thought divorce was a possibility for them. Then again, what’s the point of entering into a marriage if you don’t think you’ll beat the odds? 

3. We can’t decide what’s more sad: divorcees who never believed they’d go through a split, or those who expected it! But numbers show that only 80% of people who are married or separated even believed to begin with that marriage is supposed to be for life 

4.10% of people whose marriages end due to their having an affair, end up marrying the person they were having said affair with 

5.90% of third marriages end in divorce. That’s a lot of money spent on attorneys 

6.For those children whose parents live together but are not married, only 36% will have their parents under the same roof until the age of 16. Meanwhile, 70% of children with married parents live with both their parents in the same home until the age of 16.

7.For those children whose parents live together but are not married, only 36% will have their parents under the same roof until the age of 16. Meanwhile, 70% of children with married parents live with both their parents in the same home until the age of 16.

8.You are 35% more likely to become severely ill, or experience regular illness, if you are in an unhappy marriage. 

9.The most commonly reported sexual fantasy is to have sex with more than one person at a time. 

10.20% of men report to have partaken in group sex, meanwhile only 12% of women have

11.48% of sexually active people have sex once a week. Not bad. 

12.27% of people who have had one night stands have had one turn into a stable relationship

13. 64% of men believe it is totally acceptable to flirt with other women online, while in a committed relationship. Only 36% of women feel this same way.

14.Approximately only 30% of Internet daters surveyed reported using an online service to find real love, as opposed to casual dates or hookups. 

15. Men are much more likely than women—48% vs. 28%—to fall in love at first sight.

16.33% more men than women around the world say it bothers them "a lot" that their significant other isn't more romantic.

17.The richest couples surveyed were less likely to be happy than those with less money. In fact, couples who earn $20,000 or less argue less frequently than couples who earn $250,000 to $500,000.

18. 57% of those in unhappy relationships still find their partner extremely attractive.

19. More than 33% of men and women say they have watched a TV show or movie that affected them so much they considered breaking up.

20.Nearly 60% of both men and women who were unhappy with their relationships say they would still be happy to spend eternity with their partners.

Final Product:

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