Thursday 27 November 2014

Negative space workshop OUGD 404


Alexander Johnson: A classic tail for a classic tale - Moby Dick book cover design (Leeds based designer, created this clever Moby Dick book cover for the classic tale Moby Dick. Including both the harpoon and the whale's tale, it's simple, striking and brilliantly unique.)

Ben Farrow: an anthropomorphic artist and graphic designer whose work focuses primarily on vector art. This brilliantly simple execution of the Titanic is a clever way of using negative space with more than a hint of art nouveau.

Caroline Remy:"The firm specializes in cattle," "But its image among customers is for smaller animals. The customer wanted to hide the cow, which is why it must append two cards to replenish the logo."

Painting the Universe: (my favorite so far)

Philipp Rietz dives into space for his negative space work.

An out-of-this-world example of negative space, the striking white space matched with the beautiful, eccentric colours make this an unforgettable execution from designer Philipp Rietz.

My own examples:

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