Wednesday 5 November 2014

Studio Brief - OUGD403

Studio Brief four-
Poster design - submission 
14th november 
3 A3 format posters
one text 
one image
one text and image
-> link to news paper article chosen 
-> what makes each poster memorable?
What is the tone of voice?
-> aimed at?

Idea Generation:
show progress -> design sheets 
Poster Design Research:

Ways of applying type
*wood type
*art movements
-Swiss Design

-Cheret, Jules. El Dorado 1894-

-Henri Toulouse - Lautrec, Moulin Rouge - La Goulue 1891

-James Montgomery flagg, Uncle Sam 1917

I decided to experiment within the typeface selected.
I did this by having the letters on top of each other but keeping the O as the central point, most important part of the word.

When combining the typeface and the image, I decided to keep the same typeface as the one used before, but this time having each letter on its own and having the letter starting from a light central tone and moving to a darker blue. Ending with an outline in black.
*When having to combine it with an image, I decided to keep a simple but informative icon/symbol to spread the message. I did this by using the Ebola virus cell.

When moving on to the last poster example, I then decided to send a stronger message. I drew an eye with blood inside (being one of the effects of the virus.)
The Ebola virus cell inside the eye.
A hand behind the eye, to represent the idea of having to stop from spreading.
And the world behind everything to give that same idea again (spreading).

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