Thursday 27 November 2014

OUGD 405- research- Studio Brief 1


When having to research about this brief, the first thing that came to my mind were floral patterns, nature, peaceful and calming images that would be eye catching and at the same time not loose the aim of the frame, so people will buy it.
I would like to experiment with a different range of tones, from light to darker and see people’s different interpretations.

There’s patterns everywhere ‘nature wise’, something that makes me more interested and fascinated about this research.

Here i found different formats of presenting photo frames.

Task: Explore a range of concepts in your research and development of your own ideas. Consider the usage, functionality and display within commercial outlets when resolving this problem.
Not all your investigations should take place on the Mac. Digital image capture methods such as scanning and digital photography allow you to import media from a range of sources (photographs, photocopies, drawings, tracings, found material etc.)
Once you have imported this material how can you manipulate using the tools and capabilities of Photoshop (cropping, selecting, layering, repeating, colour changes, reversing out etc.)

What initially caught my eye were the floral patterns and the idea of nature that the frames I was basing my research on, sent.
At first I thought on basing my own personal frames on floral patterns.
I based my first few ideas on these:

I then asked for feedback to some of my classmates and told them my thoughts.
I was told that if I was not happy with my design to keep experimenting and so I did.
I then came across a more modern and fresh style.
These are my final designs.

I like my designs more now, because I believe to be more my style with details and colour. I also tried creating a difference range of styles by changing the colours; having 2 black and white designs, and changing what I was creating (birds, see shells, butterflies).

My target audience would be young, modern people that have just moved in to their own flat or houses.
The range of colours has been used to improve the message by creating eye-catching combinations and with smaller details to let the mind and eyes create a natural, pacific, relaxing atmosphere.

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