Sunday 16 November 2014

OUGD 403


What went wrong?
-Didn’t know anything about typefaces.
-Did my first part of studio brief 1 wrong when designing letterforms for my word ‘concise’.
-Didn’t really like my word because I believed it to be simple when having to design different patterns that could relate to its definition.
-Would take longer doing my work by hand.
-Never used Adobe Illustrator.
-When researching about the Ebola virus, I used the majority of my research from the Spanish newspapers, and had to translate everything.
-I only managed to produce 17 pages out of the 20 I was required to produce.
(I had to leave back to Spain before the deadline so I was asked to hand in my project earlier and I believe I missed things as feedback and my final product for studio brief 4).

What went well?
-      - Liked learning new things such as what is type, the different sections in a letter, the use of a new program, learning about the use of print and the different paper that we were allowed to use for this project.
-      - I personally enjoy doing my work by hand.
-     -  Found it helpful having days where we could discuss and receive feedback from others during the lessons.
-     -  It was nice being able to learn/relate our work to other things such as history, propaganda, how to create newspaper articles and daily issues in todays society.

-     -  Group Work is always helpful (specially now that we have just began to get to know each other and because I’ve been able to learn new things from people in my class)

What did I do best?
-Learning new things.
-Worked hard and always met my deadlines.
-Produced work and followed feedback to improve.

What did I do wrong?
-Studio Brief 1 went wrong at the start, but managed to change it.
-I believe my work could have been better if I had known how to use Adobe Illustrator (posters for Studio Brief 4).

How could I improve?

-I hope to develop my knowledge using Adobe Illustrator and producing a more technological/elaborated/experimental work.

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