Monday 16 February 2015

OUGD 406 Secret 7 - Adobe experiments

When working on the secret 7 design, I decided to change my design a little to make it look more 'confusing', this idea came to my head when watching the video and hearing the lyrics several times (During our first lesson on this brief, we experimented by listening to the songs and changing the ways we felt, the things we heard and saw. We first drew without taking the pen off the paper, then exchanged it 2 o 3 times with other people in the room. We then moved to drawing with our right hand and exchanging it. We then drew by making shapes such as triangles, squares and circles. We also tried drawing lines in partners; this was the funnest part of the task because we all worked in groups and had a laugh looking at our partners realizing their feelings on the paper while we were holding it for them.
I decided to represent the idea of repetition and tried a few different designs before reaching my final outcome.
Once I had decided what final design I was going to use as my outcome, I scanned it in to the computer and began to experiment on adobe different effects that could make my work look smoother and more intense.


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