Thursday 19 February 2015

-OUGD406 -Studio Brief 02 - Study Task 01 - Book Analysis/ Study Task 02 - Book Cover Analysis

Visual Research: An Introduction to Research Methodologies
Noble, 1
Bestley, R
AVA Publishing
Library Class: 741.62

Aim: *Introduction to important areas in Graphic Design.
*Explains theories that form that basics of Design thinking.
*This book features a range of previous us seen case studies
*Helps the reader understand how research can form an effective Design Problem solving.

Aimed at: Graphic Designers

Book Cover:

Meaning of Methodology: - The science of method, research aspect of a project.

Authors: Ian Noble + Russel Bestley are partners in the design industry.
Clients; Galleries and Public institutions.
Featured in journals, books and exhibitions.
Currently working in London.

Analyze book-
AVA publishing sa

Guide graphic design students- Problem Solving

The cover shows a contrast within the spacing of the text and color -> Bold black writing with a white box in the background filling the top right corner of the book being part of a bigger background being formed by an air superiority blue or blue Munsell.
The white box contains different sizes within the typeface to show the difference between the tittle, a brief explanation what the book is about, definitions and the authors. This is decided in 4 different sections.

I believe the cover to be unsuccessful due to its lack of color, illustrations and the way that it has been layered.
The only thing that works for this cover is that the white box at the right top corner of the book that contains all the type, looks and represents the idea of research.
Once you open the book there is a variety of colors, illustrations, methods, research, examples …
I personally believe that the cover of the book is not a good representation of the content of 'Visual Research'.
The author made a standard cover with only the use of a type face inside a white box, causing a lack of attraction towards it. Its simple and does not catch my eye.

Counter arguments:

*Explains key terms and theories:
Features case studies which demonstrate how the use of the right research methods can form the basis of an effective and adequate work.
*Fully illustrated -> real life cases studies
*Ian Noble -> Designer, educator and writer.
Regular contributor to design magazines.
Currently working as the coordinator for the MA/MFA in communication design at Kingston University of London.

2nd edition:
Acid green box at the top center of the book, with the tittle in white, aureolin circle at the bottom of this box with the tittle '2nd edition'. Range of lined colors as the background. 2 boxes hanging/connected with the authors names and the content of the book; white box for the authors names and an Arsenic box for the content of the book.

AVA Publishing, Worthing, Sussex, 2011, English    
Nonfiction, Graphic Design
8.5 x 10.5 inches, paperback, 224 pages, 200 color illustrations
ISBN: 978294041160

During class, the feedback I obtained was:
*People liked the Font
*Why is the book scaled down?
*Intimidating size
*Does not represent/show the content
*Looks miserable
*70's old building
*Out of place
*No matching
*Back looks better than front
*Too much information
*Researched type face
*Easy to read
*Looks photocopied/Replicated

AVA is a creative publisher for the applied visual arts. When our business was founded a few years ago we wanted to rethink the concept of the textbook. Our audience is visually literate, technically sophisticated, and acutely aware of good design and presentation. In our endeavor to create 21st-century textbooks for 21st-century students, AVA Academia’s titles respond to these qualities. It seemed to us that academic books about the applied visual arts should themselves be both well designed and well written, something that had previously appeared to be an either/or option for many publishers. To date, many hundreds of universities, colleges, and higher education bodies around the world have adopted and recommended our texts across numerous courses and programs.

Type Face:

 Reason behind the typeface:
Being a book on how to solve your problems when developing an effective product for graphic designers, I decided to represent the idea of breaking the letters

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