Thursday 5 May 2016

OUGD505 - Vote Presentation

-Young audience age 18-22
- target audience. -Online voting.
-Benefits or issues should be highlighted.
-Interesting designs for campaigns.
-Snap chat filters.
-Online campaigns.
-Simplistic Designs.

 Product we need to work on:
-Posters - Print and Digital.
-Informative letters (Mail) home
- Let people vote from home?
-Produce/create online voting.
-Events to inform the youth.
-Friendlier approach- Mascot Teddy/Lions
-Decorations ballons /stickers /photobooth
-Accessories Phone case/ hats/ pens.

Change the language - Direct / Simple / To the point We want to make 18-22 year olds know more about the elections/voting system/government/ issues and problem solving ....

Snapchat filter from Spain: (gave idea).

- 18-22 year olds are not informed about the happenings in their country and government
- they do not care about politics
- the promises made by the government are the current age not affecting the lives of people
- the age group leads a too busy lifestyle to be able to read about voting
- the voting campaigns of politicians is not attractive to the youth Possible Solutions: - interactive campaigns
- engaging campaigns which are targeted to 18-22 year olds.
- government promises should be shown to the youth in the way that it is beneficial to them
- beneficial and engaging campaigns which could help attract more students
- lectures/events to inform students about the voting process and benefits


When thinking of a way to produce a friendly approach to 18-22 year olds we had to think what is it people our age like. or how could we possibly communicate with them without being boring/ stereotypical.
I then showed my team a photo I had of the elections in Spain and how they had made a Snapchat filter made specially for the 'día de las elecciones' in and only in Spain. 
-Spanish Flag (Elections voting box) 
-Spanish colours (Red and Yellow).

-No new modern campaigns or revolutionary ways of winnings peoples votes ... Retro old and repetitive.
-The youth don't feel attracted towards voting because they feel there isn't any youth within the government.
-New ways of making a campaign interesting for a target audience our age.
-Voting online should be a thing.
-Confusing unattractive use of language.
Can international people vote? - Unclear might be losing votes for not keeping the audience well informed.
-Problems and Reasons for People not Voting:


Find the location on the map and place your filter.


My 3 designs:


- informing the public about the refugees
- creating a campaign to let people be more actively part in helping refugees.
- events to encourage people to raise funds and necessities for the refugees
- help refugees understand the ways of public behaviour through campaigns and events
-LGBT rights
-Same sex marriage
-Transgender issues
-Homophobia + equality  

Things which can be designed for this:

- A small illustrative publication on guiding refugees and public
- series of infographics
- digital advertisement
- animated video

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