Thursday 19 May 2016

OUGD 505 - Evaluation

throughout this module there has been 2 briefs, in which one i had to design my own money and on another i had to chose a global problem to campaign about.
i had to research and present a campaign within a political/economical problem.
I have decided for the money brief to research into the currency of euros, considering i am spanish so it is my currency.
I decided to portray a more historical message within my currency, using a geometrical tiles to represent granada and moorish empire.
The stock used was a professional paper by G.F.Smith paper obtained when they came to my university.
all  three coloured stock could have been used to relate to the moorish empire given that these colours are used in the architecture left behind by the moorish empire.
My design was complicated, i had 4 screen print coloured layers(red,yellow,blue and silver) and one coloured stock, making my design hard to produce.
My final production was the blue stock with silver screen print of a construction of the 4 original screen print colours.
The final type face is screen printed in white with the name 'Al-andalus' and a small bit information to the cultural aspect being portrayed in the money.
For my book publication i was initially going to do a set of posters, but because i had too much information and wanted to explore a wider range of techniques i decided to make it into a book.
My first approach was targeted at children but then i changed my target audience to families.
The typeface was changed a few times throughout the production due to being too chunky and inappropriate to the audiences or too unclear to read.
The final typeface used was appropriate to my target audience, I would have like my book to have more pages, more context, i would have liked a page with stickers for the children, a small envelope with a digital print of the illustrations onto acetate...
I believe my colouring book to be effective but it hasn´t reached a conclusion, I believe this works well and is a new approach within political campaigns and portray a political viewpoint in a full family friendly way.

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