Tuesday 17 May 2016

OUGD 505 Final Production

2 final digital prints.
Scanned screenprints and foiling designs. 
Decided to use the scanned screen prints for one of the digital books and use the real screen prints for the second digital book.
The foiling i believed to look and feel better when not scanned. Both books have the same foiling design but in different colours (1. ***, 2. **** ). 
The weight of the book with the original screen prints feels heavier due to the use of a thicker stock when screen printing. 
Matt Olin regular high white fsc4 90gsm/mic was the stock used for the rest of the colouring book.
A5 book size. 
Trimmed with the use of an electric paper cutting machine.
When the production was over, I took some pictures of the final product. 
The feedback obtained was positive, the digital and original screen prints can also be used to colour in. 
A black and white positive of one of the screen prints was used also with the intension of being a colouring page.
The illustration on the front cover looks smooth and bright on the stock used. The typeface, the colouring pages, logo and size of book also work and are successful achievements.

This campaign will be distributed across America in schools, community centres, hospitals, out reach programs, town halls, etc.
An online E-book will be available for anyone to have access too with the possibility of a quick download and print. As a way of marketing my personal brand, my logo was placed at the back of the book, there was a continuity with online sharing on instagram, facebook and behance. A way to connect with the public today is with the use of # and the feedback obtained online from different designers and people getting involved in 'BanGunsInAmerica' was helpful.
'Kill nothing but time' is the colouring book title, being one of the quotes used on one of the colouring pages initially.
The quote seemed perfect, represents exactly what the message behind my book is. Kill nothing but time is also a metaphor for when a person is day dreaming. I used this quote in this book to portray the message kill nothing but time not people. The illustration used for the front cover was drawn on illustrator an the intention of this was to represent the tittle in a creative, colourful, friendly way. The #BANGUNSINAMERICA is placed at the top of the front cover going across in one single line. This # is placed at the top of every colouring page in the top right corner as a repetition and keep a strong branding campaign. The title is places in two separate lines underneath the illustration, the illustration has been referred to as an "explosion of colour", "very detailed" and "looks like colouring page coloured in".

As a family colouring book, it is educational for both kids and adults, interactive for anyone who likes colouring, motivational and inspiring with the positive quotes used and unique and innovative given that its not like most boring white and black colouring books.
The colouring book is mainly targeted at children to use and interact with, although the message is mainly for adults to pay attention to, this is kind of a bonding experience for the child and parents.
The illustrations used when designing the screenprints are appropriate, following a retro hispanic style.
To portray the ideology of prison i included vertical and horizontal bars across the page to create a caged like effect.
The gun illustrations on the screenprints are less animated than the ones on the colouring pages, given that this idea of prison is portrayed in every design giving a negative message towards gun use.
The facts and figures were obtained from reliable campaigns. Facts and figures relate well with the audience, when the audience read facts and figures they instantly connect as they don´t allow room for opinions, the facts and figures are solid evidence that cannot be disputed.

Final feedback, "The images are very illustrative and effective, appropriate and child friendly, the use of the red colour makes the pages stand out to usual colouring pages. The typeface is an appropriate size for the book and easy to read, and the paper is thick which makes for a sturdier book. Good variation in stock, will create different textures when colouring it in."

Motivational, positive quotes.
Facts and figures educational.
Front cover illustration.
Back cover - Personal branding, #, other campaigns, facts and figures.
Harsh topic approached 'child friendly'.
Motivates students and adults to get involved in this problem.

4 Screenprints
4 Digital Red background colouring pages
1 Foiling

1 black and white colouring page

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