Tuesday 21 October 2014

Design Principles - OUGD404- Task 2

In Todays lesson we were given the task, as a group, to produce a 3 dimensional letter.
Amber compared the task with one of the channel 4 adverts, where you are only capable to visualize an object from a certain perspective.
My group decided to choose the letter B.
With card box boxes that we had all gathered for the past few days, we began to decide the length of our letter, but first we had to create the viewfinder.

Once our viewfinder was made, we were ready to start dividing our letter B into 4 different parts. We first designed in our books how to break the letter down. We then used the printed letter from another task to visualize how it would look like.
When we were ready to start cutting out our different sections of the letter, we divided ourselves in to groups. Vedika would be the one to take pictures throughout the process. Once the 4 different sections of the letters were cut out and ready to hang, we then moved to creating a spider web from the sealing.
Once our spider web was done, we then moved to making holes at the corners of the card box with the hole puncher. 
We took some time when hanging the different sections of the letters due to having to be in a specific point to be visualized from the viewfinder.
After doing some maths and logic within our work we finished and came with a successful 3 dimensional letter.
When we had finished setting everything up, we finally moved to decorating our work by painting it in white with some of the sponges that were around the room. This had to be done due to the different colors of card used for our sections.To finish this we decided to add some pink card at the very back of our letter.


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