Tuesday 14 October 2014

Design Principles-OUGD 404 - Task 1

In todays lesson, we were given the task of presenting our favorite type face to the people sat on our table. (These 3 different type faces were our task from last weeks session on Tuesday).
Once we had done this, within our groups we had to choose the Type Face that we most liked as a group, after this we presented it to everyone in our CP2 group (Giving the name of our chosen type face and the reason behind why we decided to use it). 
In my case i chose, 'Marker Felt Thin', the reason behind it was that i believed it was unique and different, i also liked how the letters within this type face would end in blobs rather than in serifs.

Once this was done, we were ready to describe one of the letter belonging to the type face selected, in my case i chose the letter; 'Y'.
We then moved to creating a WANTED poster for everyones letter, it was similar to the Ads on online dating sites, we had to describe our letters and give reasons to why other letters/type faces should get to know us.
Our task did not end there, once we had found our partners/date we had to combine both letters and type faces with the idea of having kids together.

My date/partner during this task was Vekida, She had chosen the letter 'Q' within the type face 'Britannic Bold'

We decided to combine the essential parts of our letters (the reasons why we decided to choose our letters and the reason behind that type face). We decided our kids would look like this.
Maintaining the blobs at the end of every letter rather than using serifs and the variation between the thickness of the lines.

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