Wednesday 29 October 2014

OUGD 403 Studio Brief 3

Nurse in Ebola Quarantine to sue for freedom, feds push back on state rules.
    21 day mandatory quarantine
    New jersey hospital 
    After she returned from treating Ebola patients in Africa
    Kaci Hickox "basic human rights are being violated" - Kept in isolation tent at university hospital in newark, despite showing no symptoms of the virus.
    "Medically speaking there’s no reason for the state of new jersey to keep her quarantined" - Stated her lawyer Norman Siegel 
    Never registered a fever so there is no medical reason to keep her quarantined 
    New York Gov. Andrew Coumo announced that the state would allow home quarantines for people showing no symptoms, rather than requiring isolation in hospitals.
2-year-old Melanesian girl infected with the Ebola virus died at the Kayes hospital, west of MAli.
    First case of Ebola in Mali
Drug mule dies amid airport Ebola fears
    The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared Nigeria as the second West African country to be declared free from Ebola.
    A Nigerian drug smugger that collapsed and vomited at the Customs are of the Madrid-Barajas airport terminal, was left to die on the airport floor.
    (Bags of cocaine hidden inside his body split open) - Airport staff feared he was suffering from Ebola, Refused to provide medical assistance.
    After hearing the man was Nigerian, staff were afraid to approach the man and left him shivering on the airport floor.
    A passenger that was accompanying the Nigerian later informed the police that he had not visited Nigeria for the past four years, so it was practically impossible for him to have the Ebola virus.

Sixths African country where the Ebola virus is present.
    First case in New York - Doctor that worked at Guniea.
    2-year-old girl that arrived to Gunie in bus traveling with her grandmother. - Could have been in contact with several people throughout her journey- 43 people are isolated and been controlled to recognize any symptoms of the Ebola virus.
    The NGO are now collaborating by sending medical assistance/supplies - airway.

More than 10 thousands cases of Ebola - biggest outbreak of the virus
Estimated number 4,922 people have died in Guinea, Liberia, Sierra leona, Spain, United states and now Mali.

"They treated us as Scum "- Husband of Ebola nurse
    Spanish nursing assistant Teresa Romero 
    Beat the Ebola virus - Slammed the handling of the country's Ebola crisis as a 'complete disaster'.
    Plan to take Madrid’s health boss to court 
    "They laughed at us, they treated us like scum" -Javier Limón 
    "They destroyed our life, they killed our dog, and they nearly killed my wife" - Left Madrid Carlos tercero hospital on Monday morning after three weeks in isolation.
"On top of all that, this guy comes out and says that my wife - who volunteered (to treat two Ebola-infected Spanish missionaries who were repatriated to Spain) - is a liar, that she lied about her fever"

The health official also suggested Romero had been responsible for contracting the disease herself when he said “You don’t need a master to learn how to put on and take off a suit” and “Some are better at learning than others”.

Limòn is now also planning on taking aim towards the Spain’s health minister Ana Mato, “If the job’s to big for her, and she doesn’t know how to do it, she should resign.”


What is it I’m doing?

So I decided to research on the first confirm case of Ebola in Europe, being a Spanish nurse that had treated two Ebola infected Spanish missionaries who were repatriated back to Spain.

*The Ebola research has a range of different cases have been headline news on many newspapers (internationally) (It was hard to just focus on one aspect)
Cases such as;
1.     Teresa Romero’s husband planning on taking the Madrid’s health boss to court
2.     2 year old Melanesian girl infected with the Ebola virus that died at Kayes hospital (West of Mali) (43 people have been isolated and are being controlled to recognize to recognize any symptoms of the virus.
3.     The first Ebola virus case in New York

I decided to study this specific case cause it happened back home, in Spain, I have friends studying in Madrid that have kept me informed and have even taken part in a few manifestations due to how disastrous this situation has been taken under control.

I looked closer into this case and found out that Teresa had gone into the hospital to inform about her symptoms and was given antibiotics believing it was a simple flue.

She began to feel worse and contacted the hospital back and explained she considered she could have the virus and was ignored the first few times she had mentioned the illness.

Once she was critical she was taken in to hospital, assisted and left in isolation.

Not only she had to suffer the deplorable medical treatment herself, but also so did her husband and some of the few people she had have contact with. Not only that, they believed her dog Excalibur could be infected and they did not hesitate to kill him.

à I made a university newspaper front page.
àUsed the unis link/#/images
àTried making it as detailed as possible by adding quotes and diagrams.
àSpoke about the other cases in other pages in the Newspaper.

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