Friday 24 October 2014

study task 3 - OUGD 403

In todays lesson we were decided in to 10 different groups to analyze 10 different news.
My group was formed by 6 members, and our news was "Oscar Pistorius begins jail sentence"
We first looked for some examples in other newspapers and magazines.
I personally didn't know about this event, so i had to research who he was and what was it he was being accused for.

After researching what Oscar Pistorius was accused for, I came across different interpretations and opinions of this event. 
He might have been innocent and stated the truth at court, he shot someone thinking it was an intruder. 
It isn't morally right to shoot someone, intruder or not, it is not right to kill someone/take someones life away.
It seems strange how he shot his (3 month) girlfriend 4 times, not once but 4.
After undergoing a psychiatric evaluation and giving negative when establishing whether he was criminally responsible for shooting Steenkamp.
He was declared to not suffer from a mental illness, making him responsible for the charges against him.
He was also accused for other firearm-related charges for illegal possession of ammunition and firing a firearm.
Considering he has murder his 3 month girlfriend the charges have been undersized, compared to other peoples cases, due to his professional career at the Paralympic games. It has been said that his sentence has been broken down in to such a small period of time, so he is capable to take part in the next olympic games.
Here is the final layout for our 'university article' idea.
We estimated our target audience would be between the age 18-23.
The fonts used are; Times News Roman and Bureau Grotesk

We did not manage to come with a final group opinion, some of us believed Oscar could have started an argument and lost control of the situation. He could of have been innocent and killed her by accident or have some anger issues (going back to the information found).

*After discussing our article with group 4, we gained some decent feed-back, such as;
1. Our title/heading was to big and didn't look right covering 2 pages.
2.Maybe when being fold or attached on to an actual magazine/new paper the heading wouldn't be readable.
3.The writing looked funny due to its format (starting on the left side in a funky looking way due to all the sentences being from different lenses/ Straight meeting point at the right of the text/column.
4.It would be hard to follow the format, how to read the actual information…in columns or from left to right.

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